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Supercomputer Can Calculate in 1 Second What Would Take You 6 Billion Years???

it’s shiny, fast and most powerful. But it’s not the latest Alfa Romeo. A physics laboratory in Tennessee just unveiled Summit, likely to be named the world’s speediest and smartest supercomputer.
Perhaps most exciting for the U.S…. It’s faster than China’s.
The supercomputer  which fills a server room  size of two tennis courts can spit out answers to 200 quadrillion (or 200 with 15 zeros) calculations per second, or 200 peta flops, according to Oak Ridge National Laboratory, where the supercomputer resides.
“If every one i the plannet completed one calculation per second, it would take the world population 305 days to do what Summit can do in 1 second,
Put another way, if one  were to run the calculations, hypothetically, it would take 2.3 trillion days, or 6.35 billion years.
The former “the world’s fastest supercomputer,” called Sunway TaihuLight, can perform 93 quadrillion calculations in a second (93 petaflops), while humming away inside China’s National Supercomputing Center in Wuxi.
The supercomputer is an IBM AC922 system that’s made up of 4,608 computer servers — each comprising processors (the brains of the computer). But what’s actually going on inside these processors is what makes the difference.
“Summit’s computer architecture is quite different from what we have had before,” Daniel Jacobson, a computational biologist at ORNL, who is working on Summit, told Live Science. For one thing, the computer uses the new Tensor Core feature in its graphics cards (made by Nvidia), which is designed specifically for applications focusing on machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), and to be fast.
Basically, unlike older computer chips, these chips are optimized for a special type of mathematical operation on matrices — or rectangles filled with numbers with rules for adding, subtracting and multiplying the different rows and columns. Computers equipped with AI programs often learn using so-called neural networks, which have several layers in which lower calculations feed into higher ones. And this process requires the heavy use of matrices.
“This is a brand-new feature that has allowed us to break the exascale barrier,” Jacobson said, referring to a processing speed that’s over a billion billion calculations per second.
In addition, Summit has loads of superfast memory (RAM) available on each of its nodes, where localized calculations can take place.
“Each node on Summit has 512 Gb [gigabytes] of RAM and the network that communicates between nodes uses adaptive routing, and is thus incredibly fast, which helps us scale the calculation across all the nodes very efficiently,” Jacobson said. So-called adaptive routing means Summit has some flexibility in how it runs calculations — sort of like networks of brain cells connected to synapses.

“There are many, many scientific uses of this sort of supercomputing capacity,” he said. “Whether this is for new discoveries for bioenergy or new discoveries for precision medicine, many things are now possible that simply weren’t before.”
For instance, just as artificial intelligence programs are being co-opted to learn to pick out cats from images, said Jack Wells, the director of science at ORNL, these AI programs running on Summit could learn to pick out and categorize all kinds of data, ranging from those in biological sciences to physics, such a detection and other particles.
“Something new that’s happening, is it’s going to be at the intersection of machine learning and simulation science, because this machine is going to be able to do both of those things in a very significant way,” Wells told Live Science.

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